What’s Your Brain Type?

Model of four areas of brain dominance

 Understanding your brain dominance, and therefore what knowledge and skills come easily to you, can be a huge benefit in many areas of life, especially career. Below are a couple personality systems based on brain dominance, and three online tests to find out your brain type.

Katherine Benziger is a psychologist with over 25 years experience with personality assessing for business based on brain dominance theory. Her system focuses on wellness and places a strong emphasis on avoiding falsifying one’s type. She believes each person has one natural mode (brain area), but can develop competencies in other modes with practice.

Below is a table describing the four brain regions and how they compare to Myers-Briggs typology. In addition to these four types, there are also combinations: dual- and whole-brained competencies.

Mode Brain Area Focus Description Jungian Function Jungian Superior and Auxiliary Functions Myers Briggs Types
1 Basal Left Order, Routine Process, Procedures Realistic, down-to-earth, practical, sensible, past-focused, detailed, structured, ordered, efficient, dependable, reliable, obedient, deadline-oriented, disciplined Sensing ST and SF ESTP ISTJ ESFP ISFJ
2 Basal Right Intuition, Empathy, Spirituality, Rhythm, Harmony Subjective, personal, values intimacy, sees extenuating circumstances, humane, sees harmony, empathic, compassionate, intuitive, sensitive, connects well and easily with people, caring, compassionate, good interpersonal skills Feeling FS and FN ESFJ ISFP ENFJ INFP
3 Frontal Right Vision, Creativity, Imagination, Expression Speculative, fantasy-/idea-focused, imaginative, future-focused, sees the “big picture”, uses metaphors, visualizer, conceptualizer, expressive, enthusiastic, change-seeking, easily bored Intuition NT and NF ENTP INTJ ENFP INFJ
4 Frontal Left Logic, Results, Structure, Analysis Analytical, objective, critical, principled, scientific, logical, mathematical, tactical, goal-/ task-/results-oriented, direct Thinking TS and TN ESTJ ISTP ENTJ INTP

Brain typing is another personality assessment system, which was developed in the late 1970s by Jon Niednagel, a sports coach, who observed that children with similar personalities had similar motor skills. This emphasis on motor skills is how this system differs from other typologies. It recognizes 16 types, like the Myers-Briggs typology system.

The below table describes the eight functions that are matched together to create these 16 brain types:

Brain Type Jungian-Myers Correspondence Description
Front Extraversion External, expressive, broad
Back Introversion Internal, reflective, deep
Empirical Sensing Observer, literal, concrete, realist, pragmatic
Conceptual Intuitive Imaginative, abstract, theoretical, idealistic, visionary
Animate Feeling Emotional, compassionate, feelings-oriented, subjective
Inanimate Thinking Logical, justice-seeking, objective
Right Perceiving Holistic, adaptable, artistic, spatial, visual
Left Judging Analytical, ordered, detailed, numerical, verbal

And lastly, some keyword traits for left brain vs. right brain dominance:

Left Brain Right Brain
Analytical, hard facts, discipline, rules,  math, science, categorizing, logic,  deductive reasoning, details, definitions, planning, goals, productivity, words, technology, literal, orderly, exact Intuitive, feelings, sensitivity, emotions, daydreaming, visualizing, creativity, color, spatial awareness, first impressions, rhythm, spontaneity, impulsiveness, flexibility, humor, relationships, mysticism, abstract concepts

To find out your brain dominance, check out these three free online tests:

Similar Minds: http://similarminds.com/brain.html

The Art Institute of Vancouver: http://www.wherecreativitygoestoschool.com/vancouver/left_right/rb_test.htm

Brain Types: http://braintypes.com/questionnaire.asp